Cosmic Brunch

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Filtering by Tag: haul

tHaulsday: Lush Skincare & Haircare Haul

Winter has really been taking a toll on my poor face and hair so it's about time I started whipping them into shape for spring.

I picked up (well picked them up off my porch after I ordered them online) the following products that I'll hope will do the trick.

After using these regularly for the remainder of March, I'm hoping to write up a review on how they did or didn't work out for me.

Thursday tHaulsday! DAVIDsTEA


And this was the amazingness that was contained within!

front: Perfect Measuring Spoon

middle: Agave Sticks (natural & coconut), some free samples (Mamma Mia, Exotica, Jessie's Tea), David's Tea Filters

back: Long Life Oolong, Forever Nuts (MY FAVE!!), Tropicalia, Swampwater

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