Cosmic Brunch

coming soon

11 things on the 11th: February 2013

The 11 things I am doing on February 11th 2013:

Eating Kashi Fruit & Grain Dark Chocolate Coconut granola bar.
Drinking chocolate milk.
Craving movie theatre popcorn.
Reading Saga (issue #9).
Listening to the Harmontown podcast. Going back and catching up on all the episodes I've missed.
Watching Masterchef Australia: The Professionals.
Surfing Pinterest like a mad fool, searching for new seafood recipes.
Wearing Quo by ORLY nail polish in Bling it On, Philip Stein watch.
Making an epic to-do list.
Noticing the word COSMIC popping up a ton in my life. In the strangest places too. I'm loving it!
Lusting after this necklace.

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