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Filtering by Tag: Captain Marvel

GratiTuesday #3

Finding the positives in every day. 

Tuesday February 24, 2015 - Shopping! Picked up 3 new movies (Big Hero 6, 101 Dalmatians & Breakfast at Tiffany's),  and I FINALLY found the Captain Marvel figure I have been searching for!

my precious

my precious

Wednesday February 25, 2015 - There is something magical about a great brainstorming session. I felt on fire with ideas today! 

Thursday February 26, 2015 - My TableTop lootcrate came in today. Went out of town and got some Red Lobster which I had been craving for weeks & Starbucks, which I had been missing since the only one in my town closed.



Friday February 27, 2015 - Went to get groceries to make my chilli for tomorrow and my dad offered to pay! Woo! I love cooking so I really enjoyed getting it all ready. Just a few finishing touches tomorrow.

Saturday February 28, 2015 - Chilli night with my mom's side of the family. I made Jamie Oliver's Green Chilli and it turned out SO GOOD (if I do say so myself). It was an all around great night - going through genealogy finds, going through old photos and memorabilia of my grandpa's from WWII and hearing some stories about my cousins that made me cry laughing. So much food. So much fun.



Sunday March 1, 2015 - Crafternoon! Got all caught up on my January & February One Little Word tasks. Just in time to start this month's!

My February homework!

My February homework!

Monday March 2, 2015 - One of my favourite podcasts, We Have Concerns, used one of my story submissions for their new episode! Again! And it was for their 100th episode, which was also their first live show. Woo! Also great today: not dying via chunk of ice falling off the roof and hitting my head. Seriously, leaving work I escaped this fate by, like, 30-45 seconds. #blessed

Play along by tweeting with #BestThingToday & be sure to follow Jim's posts at Positively Jim!

Fat Tuesday #5

he amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.


The fifth assignment was:

Be vain and take a photo of yourself. Take a million of photos of yourself! Even if you don't post them, see what it feels like to be your own apple of your eye. Say, look at me! I am a fat bitch AND hot!

Needless to say, at my superhero birthday party and my actual birthday day, I look a LOT of selfies! I was feeling fine, fresh, fierce. 


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