Cosmic Brunch

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Filtering by Category: 2015

Favourite Films Watched in 2015

Update March 2, 2016: Remember that time I started writing a blog post in January then completely forgot about it? Whoops! I just found this sucker in my drafts folder. It looks like I had the intention of writing a little blurb about each film but only finished one and barely started another. So, hilariously it's a little top 5 list where I take a break in the middle to ramble about Magic Mike XXL. Why delete when I can share THAT with the world? Hitting publish... Now. 


Well 2015 brought the second fail year in a row of keeping track of my new-to-me movie watching, HOWEVER I would still love to share my 5 favourite movies I saw.  And (for the first time?) all of my favourites were movies that actually came out in 2015.

5. Inside Out

4. Spy - This movie was not at all how it appears in the trailers. It wasn't the usual "plus size woman is a bumbling simpleton that is the butt of a million fat jokes" but instead "plus size woman is underrated but is a totally capable badass". 

3. Magic Mike XXL - This movie is a masterpiece. STAY WITH ME NOW. It's basically a buddy road trip movie but all the buddies are "male entertainers" and they're road tripping to the big stripper convention. I'll let that sink in for a minute... BUT it's also an extremely positive portrayal of female sexuality and shows so many varied types of women. It is SO REFRESHING to see fat women in roles like this - and I say roles with an S because there are MANY plus sized women to be found. Fat women getting all sexy danced on by hot dudes and NOT ONE FAT JOKE IS MADE IN THIS MOVIE. While there are absolutely zero stakes to anything happening in this movie, and the lead actress is by far the least interesting character, this movie just makes me SO HAPPY YOU GUYS. 

11 things on the 11th: September 2015

1. Eating instant steel-cut oatmeal. How exciting!

2. Drinking green tea. As I do every day.

3. Craving a mixed combo plate from the new kebab place in town. It is just SO GOOD & perfect for my indecisiveness.

4. Reading this month's book club book - Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire.

5. Listening to a LOT of Spotify playlists, getting inspiration for my own Autumn Mix.

6. Watching the Great British Bake Off! The only show I care about right now.

7. Surfing Pinterest for some new autumn/Halloween decorating ideas. (& collecting them HERE)

8. Wearing a new-to-me plaid shirt that I scored at a friend's clothing swap last night.

9. Making some finishing touches on things for my sister's bridal shower tomorrow!

10. Feeling excited (& a tad overwhelmed) that I have fun things planned for the next 10 weekends straight!

11. Lusting after this app-controlled BB8 droid. OH MAN. Starting my letter to Santa... now.

Hearts of the Month: February 2015

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

HOW TO: Andy Warhol and 6 Ways To Create Your Own Artistic Community. I LOVE this. L-O-V-E. Reading this got me SO FIRED UP! I need to find my Factory!

WORDS OF WISDOM: Dolly Parton’s Tip for Meeting People: Way Existential. Probably the best advice I have ever heard. I want to print this out and hang it on my wall, keep a copy in my bag, tape it to the fridge... COSMIC!

Currently trying to figure out if I can convert my whole basement into a ball pit...

COMPANY: NatureBox. Review and UnBoxing blog post to come, but let's just say.... They are a GAMECHANGER.

ADVICE: How To Be a High Vibe Friend. One of my main goals in life. Needs improvement. This post helped.

ARTICLE: ESSENTIALS FOR A MAGICAL TROPICAL GETAWAY. I am dreaming of the warmth of the sun and missing the Bahamas. This article made me so excited for summertime that I started a new, secret Pinterest board for planning imaginary beach vacations.

GIVE ME ALL OF THE HASHBROWNS. Is it bad that I sort of want to wrangle someone into doing this with me?

Hearts of the Month: January 2015

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

ART: Fathers, Be Good to Your Daughters. Hint: It's an awesome piece of Guardians of the Galaxy art by Dan Hipp!

SPORTS: Lotus Pose on Two. I'm not big on American Football, and I didn't closely watch the Superbowl on Sunday, but if I was to pick a favourite football team it would be the Seattle Seahawks so I was rooting for them this weekend. It's all because of this article I read a while back. So cool!

ARTICLE: The Keeper of Frivolous Memories. I. LOVE. THIS. This article really speaks to me.

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