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Hearts of the Month: February 2015

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

HOW TO: Andy Warhol and 6 Ways To Create Your Own Artistic Community. I LOVE this. L-O-V-E. Reading this got me SO FIRED UP! I need to find my Factory!

WORDS OF WISDOM: Dolly Parton’s Tip for Meeting People: Way Existential. Probably the best advice I have ever heard. I want to print this out and hang it on my wall, keep a copy in my bag, tape it to the fridge... COSMIC!

Currently trying to figure out if I can convert my whole basement into a ball pit...

COMPANY: NatureBox. Review and UnBoxing blog post to come, but let's just say.... They are a GAMECHANGER.

ADVICE: How To Be a High Vibe Friend. One of my main goals in life. Needs improvement. This post helped.

ARTICLE: ESSENTIALS FOR A MAGICAL TROPICAL GETAWAY. I am dreaming of the warmth of the sun and missing the Bahamas. This article made me so excited for summertime that I started a new, secret Pinterest board for planning imaginary beach vacations.

GIVE ME ALL OF THE HASHBROWNS. Is it bad that I sort of want to wrangle someone into doing this with me?

Hearts of the Month: January 2015

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

ART: Fathers, Be Good to Your Daughters. Hint: It's an awesome piece of Guardians of the Galaxy art by Dan Hipp!

SPORTS: Lotus Pose on Two. I'm not big on American Football, and I didn't closely watch the Superbowl on Sunday, but if I was to pick a favourite football team it would be the Seattle Seahawks so I was rooting for them this weekend. It's all because of this article I read a while back. So cool!

ARTICLE: The Keeper of Frivolous Memories. I. LOVE. THIS. This article really speaks to me.

Hearts of the Month: September 2014

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

Fashion: Superhero Shoes I'll take a pair of each please.

Website: Heal Yourself, Skeletor So sad they're not updating anymore but the archives are GREAT.

FLAWLESSNESS: PLEASE HELP ME BEYONCE. You're going to want to bookmark this.

MORE BEYONCENESS: Soundbordt. You know what? Just make this your homepage.

ZOMBEYONCE?: Survivor. Beyonce vs Zombies. Bey song quotes given new meaning with cartoon zombies. SO SO GOOD.

AWESOMENESS: If The Moon Were Only 1 PixelJust keep scrolling. Totally worth it.

WISHLIST ITEM: It's A Sarlacc In Your Toilet. It's A Sarlacc In Your Toilet.  

Hearts of the Month: February 2014

Hearts of the Month: January 2014

2013 RoundUp: Hearts of the Year

Hearts of the Month: September

A monthly round-up of things I loved looking at.

Article: Guys with Fancy Lady Hair -- This. Is. Awesome.

Art: How-To: Rust-Oleum NeverWet Sidewalk Art -- OMG! I need to get some of this!

VideoLisa Frank's First On-Camera Interview!!


Event: Oregon Trail Live -- This sounds hilarious! Wish I could have gone! 

Hearts of the Month: August

 A monthly round-up of things I loved looking at.

Movie: The World's End (check my enlightening review HERE)

Website: Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator  - I was seriously cackling. Favourite? Snorkeldink Creamsicle

Web Video: 10 best lifehacks for living alone 

Web Video: Bitchy Resting Face

Hearts of the Month: July

Hearts of the Month: March & April

VIDEO: this bad Lip Reading of The Amazing Spider-Man makes me cry with laughter EVERY TIME.

VIDEO: 6 year old "B-Girl Terra" has insane skills

VIDEO - this 9 year old contemplating the universe and meaning of life is just awesome.  AMAZING.

VIDEO: What happens when you get a cat to compose the score a soap opera? Spoiler: it's hilariously appropriate.

VIDEO: Bastille is my favourite. This video is a neat look at how they go about building the elements for their songs. 

VIDEO: One of my favourite 'post-wisdom teeth extraction' videos to date. 

They were just trying to help me chew and I didn’t accept them.

VIDEO: It's a Rembrandt Flashmob. Need I say more? 

Hearts of the Month: January 2013

VIDEO: Ghost in the Stalls

I laugh like the first time I watched this, every time I watch this.


VIDEO: Iron Man Arc Reactor Proposal

Awesome, awesome, awesome.


ART: Portraits of People Who Look Alike But Aren’t Related At All

This project is so intriguing to me! Some people are offput by the awkward poses of two people who don't know each other but I think that makes me love it even more.


 VIDEO: Team Long Brothers

I CRY. This is one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen. What an amazing brother/human being. These parents are clearly doing something right.


COMPANY: Royal Caribbean International

I think it says something that the day I came home from my very first cruise I was googling job opportunities with the ship. 

Hearts of the Month: October 2012

Well now, it's been a long time since I've done one of these! This month I bring you one audiobook and a load of videos!

AUDIOBOOK - Is It Just Me by Miranda Hart

It's out now, and it is amazingly laugh out loud funny. I purchased it in hardcover AND audiobook format and while I love physical books, something about hearing audiobooks narrated by the author themselves is especially magical.

Here's Miranda reading the first paragraph.


VIDEO - Dads sing "Part of Your World" from THE LITTLE MERMAID


VIDEO - A Conversation With My 12 Year Old Self: 20th Anniversary Edition


VIDEO - Shake It Out: Choral Tribute to Florence and The Machine by the Capital Children's Choir

I think I've listened to this about a billion times and it brings me to the brink of tears EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


VIDEO - Drunk Jeff Goldblum Paypal Ad

A while back someone discovered that if you slow down Jeff Goldblum's voice it will always sound like he is drunk - check youtube for old Drunk Goldblum Apple commericals, they are amazing.




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