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Filtering by Tag: Edgar Wright

Hearts of the Month: September 2014

A monthly round-up of things I loved.

Fashion: Superhero Shoes I'll take a pair of each please.

Website: Heal Yourself, Skeletor So sad they're not updating anymore but the archives are GREAT.

FLAWLESSNESS: PLEASE HELP ME BEYONCE. You're going to want to bookmark this.

MORE BEYONCENESS: Soundbordt. You know what? Just make this your homepage.

ZOMBEYONCE?: Survivor. Beyonce vs Zombies. Bey song quotes given new meaning with cartoon zombies. SO SO GOOD.

AWESOMENESS: If The Moon Were Only 1 PixelJust keep scrolling. Totally worth it.

WISHLIST ITEM: It's A Sarlacc In Your Toilet. It's A Sarlacc In Your Toilet.  

Haiku Review: The World's End


For someone who had

Very high expectations

I was really thrilled

Seriously. Thrilled. I've seen it twice since it was released on Friday and I expect I'll see it at least twice more in theaters.

I think Hot Fuzz will always be my favourite movie but this is definitely up there. It may even pass Shaun of the Dead for me.

I could not have imagined a more perfect ending to the *Three Flavours Cornetto* trilogy. It was hilarious, action packed and really very touching.

Suffice to say... LOVED IT.

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