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GratiTuesday (on a Friday...) #11 & #12

Finding the positives in every day.

Life has been busy, busy, BUSY!!  Hopefully I'll get this back on a regular, every Tuesday schedule once Steel Magnolias is over - tomorrow already! Holy smokes!


April 21 - April 27

In response to some pretty crappy, body shaming comments from a British TV presenter, an amazing hashtag rose up. #WeAreTheThey has been amazing to follow and participate in. So many fab people of all shapes and sizes came out and said "I'm the 'THEY' you're talking about and, no, you won't make us 'feel uncomfortable'. And we look damn good." Also this week was my local TEDx event. It was another insanely inspiring day. I highly recommend you seek out any TEDx events near you. The Friday was the final home meeting of Avengers Club where we watched 2 of my favourite Marvel movies, Iron Man 3 & Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Also I discovered the app MyIdol, and life will never be the same.



MyIdol weirdness

MyIdol weirdness

April 28 - May 4

I got an amazing new profile picture, drawn by artist Matt Cummings, of my most anticipated upcoming comic Power Up! I also had a good chat on Twitter with a "geek clothing" retailer about maybe expanding their women's lines to include actual plus sized options. Initiated by them! I love a company willing & eager to listen! Also, AGE OF ULTRON came out this week! I celebrated with shawarma on Thursday before I saw it that evening, then saw it again the next day with some of the Avengers Club crew in IMAX. SO WORTH IT. And if that night wasn't Marvely enough, when I got home my first Marvel Collector Corps box was waiting on my step! Look for an unboxing post in the near future. Spoiler alert: I LOVED IT. Saturday was Free Comic Book day! I'm really happy with the 3 freebies I ended up grabbing. Gronk: A Monster's Story/Hero Cats of Stellar City, Step Aside, Pops/Super Mutant Magic Academy and Comics Festival. From there I went to my friend's annual Derby Day party. I decked myself out in fantasy theme with a fascinator with tiny dragons, a unicorn & a Pegasus on it as well as my crazy Unicorn dress. Some of us ended up pooling some money and actually bidding on the main race - which knocks another item off my 30x30 list!

Play along by posting in the comments, blogging your own GratiTuesday or tweeting with #BestThingToday!

GratiTuesday #9 & #10

Finding the positives in every day. 

April 7 - April 13

MY JAMES HANCE ORIGINAL OF ADAM WEST BATMAN ARRIVED. It is so glorious. I'm going to hang it on my comic book originals/prints art wall but I sort of want to put it somewhere like... my bedroom. Or keep it in my bag. So I can look at it constantly. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Speaking of, my love for the Twitch show Critical Role (from the Geek & Sundry Twitch channel) continues to grow wildly. When I explain what it is to people, the general response is "... how is that entertaining?" but trust me you guys! It is! It's a weekly live stream of a game of Dungeons & Dragons played by 9 insanely talented voice actors. Stop. I can hear your eyes rolling from here. I PROMISE YOU IT IS SO GOOD. If you ever wanted a masterclass on storytelling or character building, this is it. Also, they've started playing Just Dance after the main episode and it was so funny to watch I ended up on the stream til 2am. On Friday I saw a production of the Rocky Horror Show. I'd never seen the stage version and a guy I knew from a musical we were both in a few years ago was playing Frank so I went tot check it out. HOLY CRAP it was AMAZING. Also there was a themed cocktail. The Sweet Transvestite was delish. Saturday my sister, niece and I all wore Captain Marvel shirts to take part in the Geek Walk 5k (which started with a hilarious 0.5k for all the geeks not used to physical activity. There was even a couch set up halfway through.) and that evening was Meeting #1 for AVENGERS CLUB. I set up Avengers Club as a weekly double feature screening of Marvel movies to prepare for AGE OF ULTRON! Meeting #1 included Iron Man & Thor, skipping Iron Man 2 and The Incredible Hulk... Since it was also International Table Top Day we played some Boss Monster and Monty Python Fluxx during the films.


April 14 - April 20

Here's some awesome things that happened this week. Great Steel Magnolias rehearsals. Went to a Quarter Auction for the first time. Had a wine tasting for my sister's wedding wines. Played an awesome new game - Terra Mystica. I could talk about stuff like that. But really all I want to do is WATCH THE NEW STAR WARS TEASER AGAIN AND HOLY CRAP. It made me cry. At work. Awkward.

Play along by posting in the comments, blogging your own GratiTuesday or tweeting with #BestThingToday!

Hearts of the Month: January 2013

VIDEO: Ghost in the Stalls

I laugh like the first time I watched this, every time I watch this.


VIDEO: Iron Man Arc Reactor Proposal

Awesome, awesome, awesome.


ART: Portraits of People Who Look Alike But Aren’t Related At All

This project is so intriguing to me! Some people are offput by the awkward poses of two people who don't know each other but I think that makes me love it even more.


 VIDEO: Team Long Brothers

I CRY. This is one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen. What an amazing brother/human being. These parents are clearly doing something right.


COMPANY: Royal Caribbean International

I think it says something that the day I came home from my very first cruise I was googling job opportunities with the ship. 

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