Cosmic Brunch

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2013 RoundUp: Hearts of the Year

2013 RoundUp: Favourite Posts

These posts were my favourites for different reasons. Some represent some great moments throughout the year. Some represent things I've learned. Some- like my wishlists and polyvore outfits- were just fun to put together!

As for my VERY FAVOURITE post of the year?

All of my Live Below the Line posts were really important to me and all share the top spot!

Wish I Was Wearing Wednesday: Mercury

If you know me at all you know how much I love dressing up, so it's no surprise that as I waited out the 2 1/2 hour process of getting my hair bleached and blued, my mind wandered to the glorious options now open to me for COSPLAYING.

I have a love/hate relationship with wigs. I LOVE them most of the time, but wearing them at conventions, especially in the summer, makes my head itchy and hot and makes me generally irritated.

I thought of how much my Ramona Flowers costume a few years back would have looked with my new hair.

Then I thought SAILOR MERCURY! I have recently started re-watching the Sailor Moon anime from the beginning and a few months ago I picked up my first Sailor Moon manga so the Sailor Scouts were fresh in my mind.

I like this little Disneybound-style outfit so much I may actually try to put it together for myself as a casual convention option for the future!

I just blue myself

Ah, life.

It seems that it likes to pile on everything at once, doesn't it? It's a pile of good things, but a pile nonetheless!

In the last couple of months I've bought a condo, participated in my biggest fundraiser of the year, performed my biggest role yet in a musical and was the maid of honour for my BFF's  wedding- all the while trying to keep up with my other life commitments and maintain some semblance of a social life without going insane! Whether that worked or not is up for debate...

Lots of big life changes happening meant the blog got put on the back burner for a while.

And speaking of changes.....



How could I resist being the SOMETHING BLUE for the wedding of my Hetero Life Partner?

Secretly -- I think it's here to stay.

11 things on the 11th: November 2013

1. Eating leftover 'fun sized' Baby Ruths. Not having a lot of kids come by on Halloween has its perks.

2. Drinking coconut water with jelly.

3. Craving broccoli with cheese sauce. Odd.

4. Reading the World Vision gift catalogue.

5. Listening to Haim.

6. Watching Come Dine With Me.

7. Surfing

8. Wearing my PJs! And I put them on at 6:30!

9. Making a list of Christmas gift ideas. 

10. Noticing that the musical I am in (the reason for lack of posts lately) opens next week. WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!

11. Lusting after this Vivienne Westwood coat. GIMME.


Hearts of the Month: September

A monthly round-up of things I loved looking at.

Article: Guys with Fancy Lady Hair -- This. Is. Awesome.

Art: How-To: Rust-Oleum NeverWet Sidewalk Art -- OMG! I need to get some of this!

VideoLisa Frank's First On-Camera Interview!!


Event: Oregon Trail Live -- This sounds hilarious! Wish I could have gone! 

Hearts of the Month: August

 A monthly round-up of things I loved looking at.

Movie: The World's End (check my enlightening review HERE)

Website: Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator  - I was seriously cackling. Favourite? Snorkeldink Creamsicle

Web Video: 10 best lifehacks for living alone 

Web Video: Bitchy Resting Face

Haiku Review: The World's End


For someone who had

Very high expectations

I was really thrilled

Seriously. Thrilled. I've seen it twice since it was released on Friday and I expect I'll see it at least twice more in theaters.

I think Hot Fuzz will always be my favourite movie but this is definitely up there. It may even pass Shaun of the Dead for me.

I could not have imagined a more perfect ending to the *Three Flavours Cornetto* trilogy. It was hilarious, action packed and really very touching.

Suffice to say... LOVED IT.

The Mosquito Experiments #2: Hot Spoon

This was the other most popular home remedy I saw around on Pinterest and I had a few people send me messages to try it out.

The basic idea is putting a metal spoon into hot water and then pressing it against the bite. It's supposed to do something like neutralize the venom in the bite and stop it from itching... or something like that... 

Ease of use: 3.5/5

I had a hard time finding a happy medium between not hot enough to work and OH GOD IT BURNS. Or maybe I wasn't holding the ones I thought weren't hot enough on to the bite long enough. 

Cleanliness: 5/5

No mess at all. 

Effectiveness: 5/5 

Even though I think I was doing it wrong, the super "I just burned my leg" ones definitely worked. At first I thought -  oh yeah, the only reason you aren't itchy is because you are in pain, but now it's 27 hours later and the 2 bites I hit with the super hot spoon have yet to start itching again.

I'll definitely keep experimenting, with a less masochistic temperature. 


The Mosquito Experiments: Bar of Soap

So I got a little eaten up by mosquitoes when I was in Wisconsin this weekend.

And by a little I mean I have at least 25 bites on each foot that are driving me around the bend. At least. 

So I've decided to take this unfortunate circumstance and test out various Mosquito Bite remedies I've seen around the internet to see if they actually work. 

Experiment #1: Bar of Soap 

I've seen this around Pinterest a lot lately, and I knew we had some bars around the house so I tried this one out first. 

I admit it. I am a bite scratcher. Especially in my sleep. I often wake up mid-furious scratch. IT JUST FEELS SO GOOD. So, this remedy immediately appealed to me. As soon as my feet got unbearably itchy, I rubbed a dry bar of soap all over them. I got the immediate relief of scratching them- just using the soap instead of my fingers.

About ten minutes after application I noticed a big difference. Most of the itch was gone and it stayed that way for about 2 hours. The length of time between "doses" varied depending on if I accidentally brushed my foot against something or if I was wearing shoes which aggravated the bites again. 


 Ease of use: 5/5

Really, it doesn't get much easier than this. Just rub a bar of soap on the bite.

Cleanliness: 5/5

No mess at all. 

Effectiveness: 3.5/5 

It worked quickly (about 10 minutes) to reduce the itch but it never really went away. Full itch status returned a couple of hours later.


11 things on the 11th: August 2013

1. Eating no sugar, whole-wheat flour peanut butter cookies. They are actually so good.

2. Drinking water. Exciting!

3. Craving nachos and cheese after driving by a neat looking nacho bar last night.

4. Reading The Simple Things magazine.

5. Listening to CHVRCHES.

6. Watching a lot of PBS lately.

7. Surfing the plus-size section of ModCloth. I need to win the lottery, like, yesterday.

8. Wearing double denim (vest and pants). Becoming a habit...

9. Making my packing list for Dawn-a-pa-Drew-za. 

10. Noticing that I have a lot to do this week!

11. Lusting after… HOLY CRAP THIS DRESS.


Fat Tuesday #5

he amazing Rachele at The Nearsighted Owl is running a 52 week e-course and blog series called HOW TO BE A FAT BITCH and I've enrolled as a student. You should too! Fat acceptance, fatshion and being your awesome self is the name of the game.


The fifth assignment was:

Be vain and take a photo of yourself. Take a million of photos of yourself! Even if you don't post them, see what it feels like to be your own apple of your eye. Say, look at me! I am a fat bitch AND hot!

Needless to say, at my superhero birthday party and my actual birthday day, I look a LOT of selfies! I was feeling fine, fresh, fierce. 


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Hearts of the Month: July

Weekend Wishlist: Birthday Wishes 2013

Wish I Was Wearing Wednesday- Superhero Soiree: Deadpool

The theme for my annual costume-mandatory birthday party this year is Superheroes. 

It's safe to say I am VERY EXCITED.

There were so many amazing heroes that I considered dressing up as. I won't divulge yet who I ended up choosing but I can say that Deadpool was my runner-up. 

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